Thanks for your interest in guest posting on our blog! and the Social Media Training Blog are top online resources for practical insights on how to use social media to spur engagement and generate leads.
We are a niche site with a library of free social media training courses and a blog where we share expert guidance on how to use social media to generate business activity.
But we also cover SEO, email marketing, content marketing, content performance optimization and marketing funnels as well.
Half of our online training courses focus on the marketing aspects of social media. The other half is designed to teach entrepreneurs, business owners, managers, and employees how to use social media legally, safely, and responsibly.
So we’re not just concerned with social media marketing best practices. We’re also concerned with social media compliance, social media policy development and social media security best practices as well.
We accept guest post submissions from writers about new ideas, thoughts and concepts related to social media marketing, business, law, and compliance.
We’re generally looking for guest posts from writers who have recently been published online at other blogs in a similar niche to ours. We also want writers who publish posts to their own blog regularly and who demonstrate the ability to articulate interesting ideas and make cogent arguments.
We aren’t interested in posts that just regurgitate what everyone’s saying already. We want posts that bring a new perspective to what everyone knows already. If you want to in over our editors, submit thought leadership-oriented posts.
That said, we’re picky.
We also have a strict set of guidelines we use to decide which posts are a good fit for our blog.
Guest Post Submission Guidelines
- In-depth, useful, practical applicable content.
- 1200-2400 words.
- 100% original.
- Casual writing style.
- No duplicate, derivative OR rehashed versions of existing posts.
- Posts must pass our plagiarism screening (we use tools).
- Be relatively free of spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
- Research, quotes, and any other information referenced must current and attributed. If you cite research, it must have been recently conducted.
- We allow one link to your company’s website, blog, or social media account in the body of the blog post.
- We allow 2 links in your bio and one of them must be to one of your social media profiles.
- Links to 2-3 posts or courses on, links to posts at posts are also a plus.
Topics of Interest
As long as they’re genuinely about something *NEW* in the areas, our readers want insights about:
- Commentary on how current news and events apply to social media marketing.
- Social Media Management
- Social Media Monitoring
- Linkedin Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Owned, Earned, or Shared Media Marketing
- Social Media Privacy
- Social Media Ethics
- Twitter Marketing
- Facebook Marketing Tips
- Social Media Policies
- Social Media Compliance
- Social Media in Healthcare
- Social Media and Cybersecurity
- Social Media in Financial Services
- Social Media in Government
- Social Media in the Military
- Social Media in Political Campaigns
- Social Media Melt Downs and Mishaps
- Social Media Selling
- Blogging
Deal Killers
Any of these things are deal killer for us:
- Spammy links from the post or the sites you’re linking to.
- We’ve already covered what you’re writing about before.
- Anything illegal, black hat SEO, or link-building schemes.
- Product-oriented, promotional pitches.
- Anything overtly mean, spiteful, or offensive is the wrong type of post for us.
Terms of Publication
- You guarantee you are the exclusive owner of that content and that you have the right to license it to us.
- You agree to give us a non-exclusive, transferable and sub-licensable, irrevocable, international license to use, copy, modify, distribute, publish, display, translate, run, copy, publicly perform and create derivative works of your content.
- If we publish your content, you agree to let us use your name, profile picture, and information about advertisement interaction without providing compensation.
- If we publish your content, you agree not to republish your guest post it, or any derivative version. It’s exclusive to us. You agree not to publish it on your own blog, LinkedIn, Medium, or, or anywhere else.
- Our editors reserve the right to edit and adapt your guest blog content. They may update it in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
- We have the right to include calls-to-action inside your content, including but not limited to email newsletters, e-books, and other downloadable lead magnet content.
- Although it’s rare, in some cases contributed posts may be removed from the blog and their URL may be recycled to updated content.
- We do not accept blog comments so there’s no need to monitor and approve comments.
How to Submit Guest Post
Please make sure your facts are accurate and all statements attributed correctly before you submit. Also…
- Check to make sure we haven’t already covered it.
- Please spell-check and proofread your post.
- Send it to eric [at] ericschwartzman dot com.
- Please be sure to include a headshot and photo credit.
If your post is accepted, we’ll respond to let you know. Our average response time is 4 weeks. If your post is accepted, the actual publication date could be further out than that. It depends on what else is on the calendar.
We don’t respond to all submissions. If you don’t hear back in 4 weeks, we appreciate your thinking of us, but we’re passing.