HOW TO: Access Comply Socially Courses

You or your employer has purchased social media training from Comply Socially. You’ve received a link to access your training and you’re ready to start learning.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started:

1. Update your Browser – If you’re not running the latest version of whatever web browser app you use, now would be a good time. Here’s a guide to updating your browser. 99% of the problems people have accessing courses can be solved by a simple browser update.

2. Click Link and Add to Cart – If access to your training has been prepaid by your employer, the price will show as $0.  Click “Add to Cart.”




3. Check Out – Next, click the “Check Out” button, which appears after you’ve added your training to your cart.




4. Create New Account



5. Complete the Form – Bold fields are required.




6. Choose a Username and Password Make sure it’s something you can remember, because it’s what you’ll use to access your training.



7. Continue – If your account was successfully created, click “Continue.”




8. Verify Your Information




9. Launch Training



If you need help beyond this tutorial, contact your sales representative or send an email to support at complysocially dot com.  Happy training!